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Memorial Tunnel Interactive CD-ROM & Comprehensive Test Report
Explore the CD

The first CD-ROM disc is organized into five main sections. CD-ROM interface screens for each of these sections are pictured and described below. Click on a hyper-link below to jump to that section:

  Main Menu
  The "Main Menu" screen provides for navigation to each of the five main sections. It also provides access to several key features including a hierarchical index page, glossary of terms, keyword searching, help screen, a print "screen" or "contents" button as well as volume control.

The "Overview" section provides quicktime videos and text descriptions of the test program and the Interactive CD-ROM. The test program overview also contains a history of the ventilation test program as well as the program objectives and final executive summary.

To see a quicktime video from this section click the overview link above. You will need the QuickTime Movie Player to view the above video. QuickTime Movie Player is free and downloadable from this link.

  Test Facility

The "Test Facility" section contains quicktime videos, text and graphics, as well as a comprehensive photo library of the entire tunnel facility. A unique feature within this section allows the user to "Visit the Site" and experience a 3D computer model of the tunnel project including animations, detailed renderings and a series of Interactive Virtual Reality locations throughout the project site.

  Test Operations

The "Test Operations" section, contains three quicktime videos, as well as text and graphics explaining the plans, preparations, and procedures for all the fire ventilation tests.

  Test Results

The "Test Results" section contains findings and conclusions for all the ventilation tests, and features a series of animations and detailed descriptions for each of the ten ventilation concepts tested. It also contains quicktime videos explaining the benefits of the test program as well as showing actual fire test footage.

  Comprehensive Test Report

The "Comprehensive Test Report" section contains a summary for each of the nine report volumes as well as a table of contents which identifies all the tests conducted for the entire fire ventilation test program. All of these tests can then be downloaded in their original test report format from the second CD-ROM disc.
